Brave new world! The sizzle of couplings and uncouplings – attraction and romance, ineffable magnetism, mysterious as ever – but doused with a savory dose of Nathan Brown humor, a tilted long-ranging eye that sees the next bend in the road even when he’s standing right here, firmly planted.
Hiding hard truths (some poison, some not) behind talk of salt-rimmed margaritas, Alton Brown, Frito Pies, and Dumb and Dumber, Nathan Brown is most decidedly a poet for people certain they don’t like poetry. As well as those who do.
Contributing Editor for Publishing Perspectives
Author of The Play’s The Thing
This new collection from Nathan Brown is a gem. Poignant, honest and witty, his prayer-like poems give due attention to the often unnoticed details of everyday life, and nudge the reader awake to their own surroundings.
Dean of Marquand Chapel,
Associate Professor of Theology and Literature,
Yale Institute of Sacred Music

Although I have no intention of dying soon (or ever), reading these very funny and moving poems makes me realize I need to start thinking seriously about my last words. Because if Nathan Brown decides some day to do another collection of these I want to make the cut.
Winner of the May Swenson Poetry Award and Pushcart Prize
If it so happens that Nathan comes to know my last words, he can make a poem out of them. Kinda hope he doesn’t though. I’m selfish that way.
Unapologetic songwriter, and two-time Americana Music Award winner
Brown certainly knows who he is poetically; these poems demonstrate a carefully cultivated poetics valuing communication and directness.
Oklahoma Poet Laureate,
Review for World Literature Today 4/22/2012